If you want to ask about how’s someone’s personality, we can say:
What is she like? or What personality traits does she have?
Then, you can asnwer like this :
She is active type or She is intelligent, humorous and independent girl, and so on.
Some words indicate personality traits :
She is a(n)……person; She is…..
- Active=busy with or ready to perform a particular activity.
- Adaptable= able to change so as to be suitable or successful in new and different situation.
Example : She is adaptable.
- Aimless= without a clear purpose, reason or direction.
- Adventurous= ready to try new, exciting and dangerous things.
Example : He is an adventurous businessman.
- Animated= full of interest and energy. Example : She is very animated.
- Alienated= feeling separated from society or the group of people around you and often unhappy.
Example : She always feels alienated.
- Analytical= using method that help you examine things carefully, especially by separating them into their different parts. Example : He is the analytical type.
- Argumentative= tending to argue. Example : She is very argumentative.
- Artistic= able to enjoy art
- Balanced= not giving much importantance to one thing. Example : I am a balanced person.
- Bashful= shy, tending to feel uncomfortable with other people and b embarrassed easily in social situation
- Behaved/well behaved= behaving politely, obeying people and not causing trouble
- Blank= showing no expression, understanding, interest or no emotion in your facial expression
- Bold= not afraid of taking risk and making difficult decisions, so confident or determined that you sometimes offend people
- Bossy= always telling other people what to do in a way that is annoying
- Bouncy= very happy, confident and energetic
- Brassy= loud, confident, or brightly dressed
- Broad minded= willing to accept other’s people behaviour and beliefs
- Changeable= likely to change or changing often
- Cheerful= behaving in a way that shows you are happy, for example by smiling or being very friendly.
- Communicative= willing to talk to people and give them information
- Competitive= determined to be more successful that other people
- Confident= sure that you can do something or deal with a situation successfully
- Conservative= tending not to like sudden change
- Considerate= always thinking of what other people need or want and taking care not to upset them
- Consistent=always having the same beliefs, behavior, attitudes, quality, etc and continuing to develop in the same way
- Contented= pleased with your situation and not hoping for change or improvement, happy and satisfied
- Convincing= able to make you believe that something is true or wrong
- Cultured= having a good education so that you are interested in art, literature, music, etc
- Crafty= good at getting what you want by clever planning and secretly deceiving people (cerdik)
- Critical= who is critical make severe and often unfair judgements of people or things
- Daring= willing to do something that is dangerous or that involves a lot of risk
- Decisive= good at making decision quickly with confident
- Deep= thinking very hard about things, often in a way that other people find difficult to understand.
Example : He is a deep individual
- Delightful= very pleasant
- Demonstrative= willing to show loving feeling towards people
- Depressed= feeling very unhappy
- Diplomatic= dealing with people politely and skillfully without upsetting them
- Detailed= giving a lot of information with many details
- Disorderly= lacking of organization
- Disorganized= not good at planning and organizing things
- Domineering= having a strong tendency to control other people without taking their feelings into consideration
- Doubtful= having doubts about something
- Driven= determined to achieve something or be successful that all their behavior is directed towards this aim.
- Easy going= relaxed and not easily worried or upset
- Faithful= remaining loyal to a person, belief, political party, etc. and continuing to support them
- Fearful= frightened and worried about something
- Flexible= can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation
- Forceful= expressing their opinion very strongly and clearly, people or easily persuaded them
- Forgetful= often forgetting things
- Frank= honest, truthful and sincere, although this might be awkward or make other people uncomfortable
- Funny= making you laugh
- Fussy= not easily satisfied; too concerned or worried about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please.
- Friendly = behaving toward someone in a way that shows you like them and is ready to talk to them or help them
- Headstrong= very determined to do what you want, even when other people advice you not to do it
- Idealistic= believing in principles or perfect standards that cannot really be achieved
- Imaginative= having or showing a lot of imagination
- Impatient= easily annoyed by someone’s mistakes or because you have to wait
- Indifferent= not caring about what is happening, especially about other people’s problems or feelings
(acuh tak acuh)
- Intolerant= not willing to accept ways of thinking and behaving that are different from your own
- Introverted=someone who thinks mainly about their own thoughts and personal life and does not enjoy spending time with other people.
He is an introvertd person; He is an introvert.
- Inconsistent= whose behavior changes very often and unpredictable
- Indecisive= unable to make clear decisions or choices
- Independent= confident and able to do things by yourself in yout own way, without wanting help or advice from other people
- Inoffensive=unlikely to offend anyone
- Inscure= lacking confidence and uncertain about their own abilities and about whether other people really like them (tidak percaya diri)
- Inspiring= giving people energy, a feeling of exicitement, and a desire to do something great
- Lazy= not willing to work or use any effort
- Level-headed= calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations
- Lively= having or showing a lot of energy and enthuasiasm or showing interesting and exiciting thought
- Loner= someone who prefers to be alone or someone who has no friends
- Manipulative= clever at controlling or deceiving people to get what you want
- Messy= dirty or untidy
- Meticulous= very careful and with great attention to every detail
- Mix easily= make friends easily
- Moody= easily becoming annoyed or unhappy when there is no good reason to feel that way and having moods that change often and quickly
- Naïve= not having much experience of how complicated life is so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen
- Optimistic= thinking or believing that good things will happen in the future or that things will be better, easier or more successful than is actually possible
- Orderly= arranged or organized in a sensible or neat way
- Organized= tidy
- Outspoken= expressing your opinion honestly, even when it is not popular to do so
- Patient= able to wait calmly for long time or to accept difficulties, people’s annoying behavior etc without becoming angry
- Peaceful= quiet and calm without any worry or excitement, without war or conflict
- Persistent= continuing to do something, although this is difficult, or other people warn you not to do it
- Pessimistic= expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that a situation will have a bad result
- Pleasant= enjoyable and making you feel happy; nice
- popular= liked, enjoyed or supported by a lot of people
- Practical= relating to practice
- Productive= producing or achieving a lot
- Progressive= supporting new ideas or social change (progresif)
- Rash= doing something too quickly, without thinking carefully about whether it is sensible or not
- Realistic= accepting things as they are in fact and not basing decisions on unlikely hopes for the future
- Reluctant= slow and not very willing to do something
- Repetitious= involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is boring
- Resentful= feeling bitter or angry and unhappy because you think you have been treated unfairly
- Reserved= unwilling to expess your emotions or talk about your problems
- Resistant= not wanting to accept something, specially changes or new ideas
- Restless= unable or unwilling to keep still, especially because you are nervous or bored
- Revengeful= wanting harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone else (penuh dendam)
- Scatterbrained= someone who often forgets or loses things because they do not think in practical way
- Scheduled= planned according to schedule
- Self sacrificing= having a willing to do something in order to help the other without regarding himself/herself
- Sensitive= easily offended or upset,; Unable to understand other’s people feelings and problems
- Serious= not joking
- Short-tempered= easily becoming angry or impatient
- Show off= someone who always tries to show how clever or skilled they are so that other people will admire them
- Shy= nervous and embarrasses about talking to other people, specially people you do not know
- Skeptical= tending to doubt or not believe what other people tell you ( tidak mudah percaya)
- Sluggish= moving or reacting more slowly than normal
- Sociable= enjoying being with other people
- Spirited=full of energy and determination
- Stubborn= determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable (keras kepala)
- Strong-willed= knowing exactly what you want to do and being determined to achieve it, even if other people advice you against it
- Submissive= always willing to obey someone even if they are unkind to you
- Suspicious= penuh curiga
- Tactful= being careful not to say or do something that will annoy or upset other people
- Tactless= likely to upset or ambarrass someone without intending to
- Talkative= liking to talk a lot
- Tenacious= determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult
- Thoughtful= serious and quiet because you are thinking a lot
- Thoughtless= forgetting about the needs and feelings of other people because you are thinking about what you want
- Timid= not having courage or confidence
- Unaffectionate= not showing feelings or liking to love
- Unforgiving= unwilling to forgive
- Unsympathetic= not showing, especially by what they say, that they understand and care about someone’s suffering
- Workhaholic= someone who cannot stop working and does not have time for anything else
___The end___
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