Experience and Perception

If :
Something bad has happended, but you decide tolearn from it instead of being upset by it
You can say :
I’ve decided to put it down to experience.

If :
You don’t know what’s your position is or what your situation is with someone, and it’s worrying you.
You can say :
I just want to know where I stand, that’s all.

If :
Something happens and someone says something that makes you think very seriously about it
You can say :
The events / your suggestions have certainly given me food for thought.

If :
Someone does something stupid which affects them in a way that they’ll never want to do it again
You can say :
That will teach him/her a lesson

If :
Someone finally becomes aware of a fact ( often used with unpleasant facts)
You can say :
I think he/she’s got the message

If :
You tell the true facts to someone who has believed a different set of facts up to that moment
You can say :
I just want to set / put the record straight.

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